Our Men’s Fellowship ministry normally meets the 3rd Saturday of each month, 8:00am,  at the home of Terry Dunaway.  Join us as we kick off the Fall Season in October, 2024.  See our directory for Terry’s address.

Small Groups is a new ministry that began early in 2022.  We have three objectives regarding this ministry; 1. To provide a means by which people may draw closer to The Lord thru a focus on The word by means of small group discussion. 2. To provide another means by which people are drawn into a closer fellowship with other church attendees. 3.  To provide a socially based non-threatening atmosphere where people are encouraged to participate no matter how extensive their background.  We are currently on summer hiatus but have plans to begin again in the Fall, 2024.  Contact Terry Dunaway, Keith Fennema or Don Grant for more information.

There are currently three Women’s  Fellowship groups meeting in homes of members on different days and at different times.  These vary in the format but generally focus on ways to apply the teachings of Scripture, sharing, and fellowship.  Contact Karen Dunaway, Diane Goldie or Mary Ellen Grant for additional information.  Sorry, we are on summer hiatus, but are planning to begin again the the fall of 2024.

Several individuals have connected with The Fellowship through a golf outing and fellowship taking place each Thursday.  See Keith Fennema “fore” additional information.